by Gavin N | Mar 18, 2024 | stupidity
The economic challenges that California is currently facing are becoming increasingly apparent due to the ineffective liberal policies that have been implemented. One of the most visible outcomes of these challenges is the surging homeless population, which can be...
by Gavin N | Apr 18, 2019 | stupidity
Or at least San Francisco is! This is what happens when you bend over backwards, to facilitate every teeny tiny faction of society. San Francisco’s crap I appears to me, that the city of San Francisco would rather have crap on city streets, and public parks and such...
by Gavin N | Apr 14, 2019 | Hypocrite
After screaming for months, about opening the borders, and creating “Sanctuary Cities, and States, Liberals are loosing their collective minds, over the suggestion by the President, that the asylum seekers be transported to sanctuary cities and states, the...
by Gavin N | Nov 16, 2018 | Stupid Laws
The gun grabbers have lost their freaking minds, its gone from we don’t want your guns, to give us your guns or we will nuke you. This will make us all safer, well except for those we nuke. Now for normal people that makes no sense, but when you’re a...
by Gavin N | Mar 4, 2018 | Stupid Laws
First things first, I am a big supporter of Law Enforcement, but… Another mantra from the left on Gun Control, is that only the police should have guns, because of all the extensive firearms that they receive. On average most police departments only qualify...