First things first, I am a big supporter of Law Enforcement, but…
Another mantra from the left on Gun Control, is that only the police should have guns, because of all the extensive firearms that they receive. On average most police departments only qualify once or twice a year, due too costs and such, and there really isn’t budget, for the ammo, or the manpower.
So we end up with situations like this: San Francisco police shoot about 65 times at murder suspect, and don’t hit their target…
And NYPD cops fire 84 shots at suspect, miss 83 times, at least they hit him once…
So remind me again why police should be the only ones allowed to possess an AR-15, yet in HR 5087 aka “H.R.5087 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2018“, exempts current and retired LEO would be apparently exempt from the restrictions, under the “Shall not apply to” clauses:
the possession, by an individual who is retired in good standing from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving a firearm, of a semiautomatic assault weapon
the possession, by an individual who is retired in good standing from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving ammunition, of a large capacity ammunition feeding device
Just remember, my favorite quote from Animal Farm “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” seems to be really applicable here