Bon Appetite

California Foie gras ban over ruled by federal judge…. You know i am so glad that California has so many real important things to worry about, like...

The Entire State Has Gone Stupid

So has the entire state of California gone completely stupid… A guy walks from his car to his office, and gets jacked up by the SWAT team for carrying an umbrella…...

Just Visiting…

While I was visiting San Diego this week, and a buddy took me to the range today. Had a great time, but the experience was quite a contrast from the commonwealth. Back in the free state, show your membership (or pay fee), buy ammo, and/or targets as needed, get lane,...

Leland Yee, Party time!

I can’t wait until the trial begins… I wonder if he’ll rat out his gang connections, as a plea bargain deal, or use the I was doing undercover investigations…

Kevin, Kevin, Kevin…

These guys are just continually shooting themselves in the foot aren’t they… First Leland Yee, and now Mr 30 round 30 caliber clip himself, at the rate they are going, the Capitol should be empty by the end of the year… I sure hope they’ve...